Deep Silence
The 29 artists featured in this exhibition are graduates of the Hong Kong Art School. All of them are practising artists, some have already developed their own style with mature skills while others are new faces to the local art scene. Some of them focus on the examination and study of media and materials. Others attach importance to man’s inner thoughts, which serve as the foundation for their wide range of works.
The exhibition is titled “Deep Silence”. We hope that the audience may look at the artists’ exquisite ways of seeing things and listen to the words deeply embedded in their works, even though the words may sound like a whisper in a world where noises dominate and in a restless age full of anxieties. The participating artists may have different starting points in the world of art and have taken different paths in their art pursuit, but each of them has his/her own perspective and reflection on life and existence. Each has his/her own story to tell.
What makes this exhibition more meaningful is that the participants and organisers are all alumni of the Hong Kong Art School. Part of the gain from the sales of works will also be donated to the School for development use. “Deep Silence” has reunited many who spent their art training years with the Hong Kong Art School. Behind the creativity of the works are the persistence of the artists, the effort of the Hong Kong Art School to fulfil the mission of art education, and the continuous care, strong bond and unfailing support between the alumni.
Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network
Deep silence
開放時間 Open Hours13 - 29.12.201710am - 8pm開幕 Opening12.12.2017 (Tue)6:00pm 酒會 Cocktail Reception6:30pm 開幕禮 Opening Ceremony
Venue : Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
出席嘉賓 Attending Guests
Ms. Eve Tam (Museum Director of the Hong Kong Museum of Art)
香港藝術學院督導委員會主席邱詠筠女士, JP
Ms. Winnie Chiu, JP (Chairman of the Hong Kong Art School Council)
Ms. Connie Lam (Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Centre)
香港藝術學院Alumni Network主席李美娟女士
Ms. Carol Lee Mei Kuen (Chairman of Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network)
參展藝術家 Participating Artists
陳翹康 Chan Kiu Hong, Joe
陳佩玲 Peggy Chan
陳思光 Chan See Kwong, Ray
陳 閃 Sim Chan
陳沁昕 Tap Chan
陳麗雲 Movana Chen
鄭禮仁 Ryan Christopher Cheng
鄭怡敏 Cheng Yee Man
張康生 Enoch Cheung
張施烈 Szelit Cheung
張偉樂 Cheung Wai Lok
張煒詩 Rachel Cheung
程詩賢 Ching Sze Yin, Cicy
方梓亮 Fong Tsz Leong, Argus
香建峰 Heung Kin Fung, Alex
葉曉燕 Ip Hiu Yin, Rachel
簡喬倩 Kan Kiu Sin, Tobe
林佑森 Lam Yau Sum
劉學成 Lau Hok Shing
劉彥揚 Lau Yin Yeung
李美娟 Lee Mei Kuen, Carol
盧樂謙 Him Lo
馬琼珠 Ivy Ma
文美桃 Man Mei To
倪鷺露 Lulu Ngie
潘輝煌 Poon Fai Wong, Nick
冼朗兒 Stephanie Sin
曾敏富 Tsang Man Fu, Matthew
黃愷琳 Wong Hoi Lam, Karen
Presented by
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
Co-presented by
香港藝術學院 Alumni Network
Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network
Media partners
藝們 Altermodernists
點子藝術創作 Pointsman Art Creation